Around the world, great saints have recognized the vibratory coefficient of certain stones and places, and have had chapels or other religious buildings built on these stones. In France, there is Mont Saint-Michel for example. The Sanskrit word is “swayambhu”. PP Cambridge 15/07/1980.
Dear Yogis and Yoginis, you have kindly registered to participate to the Mont St Michel trip on Sunday. We are delighted to have you coming along to this amazing Swayambu. The 28 EUR cost that you have already paid only cover the transportation back and forth with the bus. If you wanted to benefit from entering the Abbey and actually go to the Swayambu itself, an additional 11 EUR is required to do so (it’s free for under 18 years old) and “jump the line” at the entrance of the Abbey at the very top of the Mont (mount). Purchasing the ticket now is not mandatory, but we wanted you to be aware of the extra cost, and avoid a misunderstanding with the transportation cost.
In 2023, Mont Saint Michel will celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the construction of its abbey.
We offer a pilgrimage to this Swayambhu all day on Sunday.
A picnic will be provided upon arrival.
A collective meditation will be guided on site upon arrival, at the foot of the Swayambhu.
Departure at 10am from the Puja venue.
Your rooms must be vacated before departure.
Departure from Mont Saint-Michel at 4pm.
Return scheduled for 5pm in Saint-Malo.
Transportation is organized by coaches to facilitate logistics and collective vibratory action.
Cost per person for the day : 28€